Eva Malisius
I am a ...
Career Coach,
Executive Coach,
Leadership Coach,
Performance Coach,
and Team Coach.
My location
Victoria, BC
My bio
I am a Coach who focuses on intercultural experiences, capacity building, and conflicts.
I am happy to explore how you can unstick yourself and thrive to your best potential. What would happen if you just did the thing you’re not sure about doing or how to do it? Let’s chat!
My credentials
CEC (Certified Executive Coach)
Royal Roads University
My approach to coaching
My approach is centred around you, considering options and tools and skills that are based on where you are and where you want to go. I’ve lived, learned, and explored many different countries and cultures. This has informed my approach to always being my whole self and drawing on all of my tools to offer you a tailor-made approach that empowers you to find your own voice and path forward.
My ideal client
My ideal client is someone who knows who they are and yet are stuck or missing something. A lot of my approach focused on values and cultures and creating safe spaces for yourself and others to thrive and expand their potential. I meet you where you are – and take it from there.