
I’m Shelley Langille,

and I built the International Coach Coalition.

I am passionate about helping people realize their potential, empowering organizations to create a supportive learning and employment environment and building collaborative relationships. I’m a coach, connector, and communicator who strives to build partnerships and link like-minded people and institutions.

I’m a Certified Executive Coach (CEC) through Royal Roads University, an Accredited Certified Coach (ACC) member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), and have twenty years of career coaching experience.

How do you find an executive coach? One who understands your business sector, is aligned with your values, can help you effectively achieve your goals, and is certified and accredited? While I was in my Executive Coaching graduate program, along with 43 mid-career folks like me looking to up their coaching game, I recognized the incredible variety of experience and knowledge within our cohort. When I reached out to my network to solicit volunteer clients looking to be coached and add to our experiential learning, I found myself sharing members of my network with my fellow students. I looked at the client’s goals, their business sector, and where they were experiencing challenges, and introduced them to classmates that were a fit.

My coaching focus is in three areas; working with military, fire, police, and individual leaders in their career advancement and transition goals; helping people let go after being let go and find closure and new opportunities after losing their job; and coaching organizations on how to treat employees as well on the way out as they do on the way in.

My approach to coaching is to inspire people and institutions to achieve their highest professional and personal potential. I start every relationship with a foundation of trust and safety, curiosity and understanding, and clarity and self awareness, for both my clients and myself.

I am often asked...

The International Coach Coalition is a free online directory that helps connect Clients to their ideal Coach.

You can view coaches by specialization, meet your chosen coach for an exploratory call to ensure a connection by both parties, explore your goals, and discuss the Coach’s processes. If a match is made, you and the Coach enter into a coaching partnership and the magic happens.

Search our directory and view the Coaches’ profile pages. At the bottom of every Coach page, there is a form for you to fill out to get in touch with that Coach. All of our Coaches offer a complimentary exploratory call to see if you are a fit for each other. Once you submit the form, the Coach is notified and you will be contacted to set up this exploratory call. If you and the Coach choose to work together, you will receive our International Coach Coalition (ICC) Client Welcome Package, which includes the ICC Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and the ICC Client Services Agreement.

All of our ICC Coaches have taken the Royal Roads University Executive Coaching Graduate Certificate program, obtained their Certified Executive Coach (CEC) credential from the University, and many have achieved their Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), or higher designations through the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the Gold Standard in Coaching

Personalized support: Executive coaching provides individualized guidance tailored to the specific needs, goals, and circumstances of the client. It is a highly personalized and customized process that recognizes the uniqueness of each individual.

Partnership: It involves a collaborative partnership between the client and the coach, based on trust and mutual respect. The coach serves as a sounding board, confidant, and objective advisor, offering a safe and confidential space for the client to reflect, explore ideas, and gain insights.

Goal-oriented: Executive coaching focuses on specific goals and objectives identified by the client. These goals may include enhancing leadership skills, improving communication, managing stress, adapting to new roles, or driving organizational change. The coach helps the client set clear objectives and create a roadmap to achieve them.

Developmental focus: Coaching emphasizes personal and professional growth. It helps clients identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and supports them in developing new competencies, expanding their perspectives, and maximizing their potential.

Therapy or counseling: Executive coaching is distinct from therapy or counseling. While coaching may delve into personal topics that impact work performance, its primary focus is on professional development rather than addressing deep psychological issues.

Consulting or mentoring: Coaching differs from consulting or mentoring, where an expert provides advice or solutions. A coach does not dictate or prescribe specific actions, but rather helps the client explore their own insights, generate options, and make informed decisions.

Quick-fix solution: Executive coaching is not a quick-fix solution or a magic bullet. It is a process that requires time, commitment, and active participation from both the client and the coach. Sustainable change and growth occur through continuous learning and practice.

Performance evaluation or disciplinary action: Coaching is not a form of performance evaluation or disciplinary action. It is a proactive and voluntary development opportunity for clients who aspire to enhance their leadership capabilities and achieve their goals.

Overall, executive coaching is a forward-looking, transformative process that empowers clients to unlock their potential, leverage their strengths, and navigate the complexities of their roles with greater effectiveness and confidence.

Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.

Roy T. Bennett

International Coach Coalition