Irene Friesen-Hughes

I am a ...
Career Coach,
Entrepreneurship Coach,
Executive Coach,
Leadership Coach, and
Retirement and Transition Coach

My location

Winnipeg, MB

My bio

Irene accompanies executives, leaders, managers and leadership teams in their quest to be and become more humane, compassionate, resourceful and effective, and who want to foster workplaces and teams where people are treated well, can be themselves, do great work, and experience challenges that help them grow.

Her clients are successful, ambitious, and actively engaged in their own life-long learning. She walks alongside them as they gain greater self-awareness and insight, recognize their strengths and challenges, identify and focus on areas for where they want to evolve, grow and develop. Her clients grow their capacity to navigate the change, stress and pace of work and life right now.

Irene’s gifts include deep curiosity, sparking rich conversation, and creating space for exploration. The is forthright and straightforward, asking questions and offering reflective practices that prompt insight to emerge and that lead to action aligned with values.

Into each conversation, Irene brings her deep belief in her clients; in their inherent worth and resourcefulness, and in their capacity to learn to thrive in, through and beyond change, transition, stress and all that work and life bring.
Irene is an experienced leader, learning and development professional, and leadership volunteer, facilitator and trainer.

Irene is a fair-weather cyclist and an all-weather walker. Her happy places are being in nature, on her bike, making and sharing food, hanging out in bookstores and libraries, immersing herself in music and continuing her lifelong pursuit of figuring out what it all means.

Irene has experienced grief and loss, adversity and obstacles, failure and suffering, and the impact and opportunities for growth that all of life brings. She brings a deep compassion for others to every interaction, believing that we all need a little support sometimes, to walk ourselves and each other home.

My credentials

CEC (Certified Executive Coach)
Royal Roads University
PCC (Associate Certified Coach)
International Coaching Federation
Certified in EQi2.0 and EQi360

My approach to coaching

My approach to coaching is rooted in compassion and empathy, and a deep belief in my clients’ capability. We begin with a conversation about what you’re seeking, where you’ve been, where you want to go, and how you want to grow. Together we co-create the focus for our work together.

I’ll offer many tools, approaches and reflective prompts to help you hone in on your core values and goals, your strengths and challenges, your opportunities for growth.

We’ll have supportively challenging conversations about things like your mindset and beliefs, how your habits work for you, what prevents you from taking action; how you handle adversity, etc.

I provide a space for you to explore and grow that is always built around YOU, and what YOU want to work toward, always focused on helping you tap into your own inner wisdom for your life and career.

My links

My rates

To be discussed.
Package rates available

My ideal client

The clients I work best with are:
Motivated and ambitious – you know what you want, and you’re ready to work toward it.
On a journey of self-awareness and growth – you understand your strengths and challenges, you’ve experienced and risen after setbacks, you learn from your experience.

You know what you stand for and take responsibility for your actions, behaviour and communication. You strive to be consistent with your values, following through on your commitments and matching your words and actions.

You tend not to sit and overthink for too long. Once you’ve recognized the reality of the situation, you’d rather do something about it. You believe in progress over perfection, knowing that mistakes are part of learning what works. You are comfortable with the idea that done and started are better than perfect.

You care about your impact on others and the world around you. You regularly reflect on your actions, behaviour, communication, successes and challenges, and strive to stay aligned with your values and intentions.

You welcome, seek and learn from different or new perspectives – You’re open to exploring new ideas, or seeing things from a different perspective and you welcome the opportunity to share your thoughts and ambitions with someone who may have a different viewpoint and experience.

You may be a leader, an executive, an entrepreneur, a professional considering a career change or someone navigating career or life transitions or challenges.


Contact me

Coach Contact – Irene Friesen-Hughes

International Coach Coalition